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AMR awareness
Each November there is a global campaign to promote awareness about Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).
Cruciate disease
The cruciate ligaments are important stabilising ligaments of the knee (stifle) joint.
Water quality
Some fish and plant life are needy, while others are not. Water is the key to life but can hold a wide range of chemicals and mineral characteristics.
Calm dog?
Do thunder and lightning storms panic your pet? As we start to endure unsettled weather, here are some tips and tricks to help calm your pet if they become frightened.
Dog showing
Have you thought about showing your dog? Showing is not for everyone but, for some, spending a weekend at a dog show offers a lot of enjoyment.
Urinary tract disease
Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is a common condition affecting cats.
Animal training
Training and behaviour consultation is an unregulated industry in New Zealand.
Purrfect pet photo
Struggling to get the perfect photo of your pet? Then you are not alone.
New wet pet
Acclimatising your new tank addition is important. Cam Scott from The Fish Room explains the best practice for introducing your new wet pet into your aquarium.
Catnip crazy
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a flowering plant known to make cats go crazy due to the release of allomones such as nepetalactone.
Feline calicivirus
What is feline calicivirus? It is a common respiratory disease which is highly infectious in cats. Feline calicivirus (FCV) and feline herpesvirus (FHV) are both viruses which cause the “cat flu”.
Cat containment
New Zealand is a nation of cat lovers. We have one of the highest rates of cat ownership in the world, says University of Canterbury master’s student Sarah Chamberlain, who has dedicated her thesis to better understanding people’s engagement in and attitude towards cat-containment.
Pet refuge
Pet Refuge Shelter Manager Louise Morley has been on the ground since the facility opened nearly two years ago at a secret location on the outskirts of Auckland. The shelter has provided safety for more than 300 pets affected by family violence, enabling their families to escape abuse, when previously many would have stayed.
Pill popping
No one likes taking tablets or medication and it can be hard to persuade your pets to eat the tablets, especially as they often don’t taste or look particularly appealing to pets.
Safe4 disinfectant
When your business and the safety of those in your care is paramount, then the best protection available is of highest importance.
Parrots as pets
Parrots make wonderful pets and companions. You will quickly find that these birds are extremely smart and their ability to learn make them fun to own.
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